Under God, the people rule
We are closing in on one of the busiest times of year here in Pierre: legislative session. As we entered into our first week of session, and as I prepared to deliver the State of the State Address, I couldn’t help but think about some of the core reasons why we all engage in public service.
I came to Pierre as a legislator because I saw the effect that bad tax policy had on my family. After almost losing our family farm, I knew something had to be done. So I took it upon myself to make real change happen. That has been a driving force of mine ever since – to make a difference in our state, and to build a South Dakota that my kids, and now my grandkids, can be proud of.
I hope that the legislators heading to Pierre in the coming days have the same kind of passion as I do. I firmly believe that if we can all agree on why we do what we do, we can come together to create the best legislation possible for South Dakota.
Even more than just my own desire to make a difference, I am inspired by our people. I consider them in every decision that I make. South Dakota’s state motto is “Under God, the People Rule.” That is not just a passing statement; it is something that I take very seriously.
It is not the job of government to do everything for people. Rather, it is the job of government to empower people to do things for themselves.
That is the ideal that is at the heart of conservative policies. And over the last several years South Dakota has shown the entire nation that those policies work. During the pandemic, we preserved Freedom and let our people make the best choices for themselves and their families. Today, we are continuing to preserve Freedom and tell our story of hope to the rest of the country.
I have always believed that, under the right leadership, South Dakota could become this example of the success that can come when conservative policies are implemented and executed properly. That is exactly what we have been able to do – but we aren’t stopping now.
That’s one thing I have learned from our people over the years. South Dakotans are some of the hardest working folks I know. We never say, “good enough.” We keep on working to get better.
So, this legislative session, I want to encourage our legislators to do the same. Don’t stop working for the people just because we’ve had so much success already. Instead, let’s come together to find even more ways to grow, to improve the lives of South Dakotans, and to make sure our great state is always the Freest state in America.
I am looking forward to kicking off a successful legislative session. I am looking forward to telling South Dakota’s story of hope. And, most of all, I am looking forward to continuing to serve the people of South Dakota.