Baumann to run for House
Third-generation Custer County resident Pat Baumann of Custer has announced his candidacy for the South Dakota House of Representatives in District 30. In announcing the run, the Republican said he is not a politician, but a statesman and a patriot who “has been called to stand up for freedom as guaranteed by our state and national constitutions.”
“I’ve spent half my life living in South Dakota and half in Wyoming,” said Baumann. “Although currently retired, I’ve held many positions that helped me to understand and appreciate what is important to South Dakotans. Past positions include ministry, tourism, agriculture, timber, mining, energy and business.”
Baumann said South Dakotans have found themselves in a political climate that is chipping away at personal, business and family rights.
“We are seeing attempts to limit worship, speech and assembly,” he said. “Unconstitutional laws are being proposed to take over our state election process, to tell parents how to raise their children and to determine which businesses stand or fall. I have been called to push back at any attempt of government overreach and to protect the rights of South Dakotans, including the unborn.”
“Our State Motto, ‘Under God, the people rule,’ is part of our South Dakota heritage,” said Baumann. “My wife and I were in Washington DC Jan. 6, 2021. We witnessed something that the major networks refused to cover. Standing shoulder to shoulder with an estimated million other concerned Americans, we became part of a great awakening. In addition to being awakened to the darkness that is creeping into our government, we were awakened to the realization that ‘we the people’ carry the light that will push that darkness back!”
Baumann said his pledge, if elected, both to voters in District 30 and the entire state, is “to carry that light into our state government” and also to act in the best interest of South Dakotans, who are constitutionally “the people” who rule the state under God.
Baumann can be contacted via email at